i have a friend, whose husband often says ' listen to you both', everything is 'gorgeous'!!!!! well i know that it is often an over used word, but i think that what i am going to show you in pictures, lives up to the expression! see how many of you can agree and send a 'gorgeous' comment.
gorgeous spring flowers, love them.
if your name starts with 's' and you're having a 50th birthday soon, then you could be receiving one of these! i love linen teatowels, then they became these gorgeous monogrammed cushions. a really beautiful gift for special friends. well done deidre!
i also watched 'love actually', the film was on television on friday night and i took time out to sit and watch it, i love that film, it is gorgeous! caught up with some good, old friends on friday and saturday, enjoyed my day at home today listening to some beautiful music, and also having a good conversation with a good friend! thanks margaret, thankyou all, i feel good today!
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