this post will be mainly words i think, i am ok, but my computer is not doing at all well at the moment ! is very tired and moving ever so slowly, can't load any new photos and sending the operator into a state ! i need to be reunited with my laptop ( i hope you are ok and not missing me too much ) i will be there on thursday afternoon !
into bed with a hot water bottle or two may do the trick ! the computer that is, not me !
i have already made some discoveries, strange things, i will go and investigate and may be back with a cure very soon. well i said it would be quick, even though i have kept getting a message to say that no photos were loading, guess what, everytime i have tried they have gone in, soooooo now i will just continue and give some show and tell . . . . . . . .
last saturday at sewing the threads were out and much progress was being made
and some finishes
anna's lovely fresh blue and white quilt
dianne's version of the princess, lovely soft colours !
and one of my favourite early signs that spring is on the way are the helabores and i was lucky enough to have two of my sewing friends (who both live in the hills) bring me a bunch of these beauties
and i love little books of words and quotes, this one i bought recently, and i love the illustrations
and these are some words written by a friend in my birthday card recently, i think they are also apt for the friends one gathers as a result of blogging.
in this crazy quilt of life,
i'm glad you're in my block of friends.
and if you like this cushion, lovely striped fabric, lots of interesting effects can be achieved by manipulating the stripes.