i spent the months of august and september down in hobart
looking after my friends home and my dear little friend roly, their dog !
been home a month and still missing my sweet little companion and the wide open space and the view, living in the suburbs of a big city is different ! i love melbourne too, but when what you are going to see is just at your backdoor, i think you'll understand
and the moon, my photos don't give the wonder of the moon over hobart, it was the new 'grandmother' moon just after i arrived that took my breath away !
it was spectacular in real life
and by day the mood of the river and the sky, the clouds, the sun and the rain just bring some magical moments
and the boats and ships that come and go, all different colours adding to the scene on almost a daily basis
all shapes and sizes and the cloud formations captivate me
and you can see in the background of the one above the very slow spread of the suburban creep in this part of hobart, it was very dry as you can also see, much rain is needed !
ripples on the water
and some rain came
still beautiful
close up above and in reality below, loved that orange tanker
some bits from the garden, love all the different textures
and the colours that nature provides and gives us on a daily basis, ever changing
i know i have photographed these same things over the years, but i love them
and the sounds of the tide changing and the water lapping, all different and i find very comforting for this city dweller ! love the sounds of silence interrupted by the sounds of nature
and a lovely made wreath with gumnuts decorating it. deb and rob's garden always has some interesting bits, they love and work hard in the garden, you can always see the fruits of their labour, literally, lots of fruit trees, i was there for all the blossom burst
and some rhubarb !
and then there is dear sweet roly, i love this beautiful little character, these pics show him concentrating on a toy i had in my hand as well as the camera !
never taking his eye off the toy and ever so patient with my game
and a boat coming up the river derwent one evening
and a fishing boat
and then another new moon
moon over hobart !
i was doing some sewing while i was there, you'll see most of that in the next post
i put the binding on this pretty pink liberty quilt for my friend barb just before i went away, all hand pieced, then machine quilted and being given to a grand daughter. it's beautiful !
and this of mine is now a finished quilt, shown on instagram recently for those who follow me @lizatbroderie
its my version of marg sampson george's 'not the levenshall', with some amazing help from a friend who finished off hand quilting it for me (read that as most of it) and now with its binding done, it is finished !!!!!!!
please check out the patterns available to purchase from my etsy store and i will be back soon, i promise, i'm well and ok to all of you who wonder if i'm still on deck, i am, just slower than i used to be and was on holidays with my friend roly ! now i'm adjusting to being home again !