Into July already in these strange times that we are all living in and now in Melbourne Australia where I am, we are experiencing a second wave of cases of covid19, so it would appear that we all may be heading into lockdown again
I keep on thinking how fortunate are those of us who have hobbies that we are passionate about and I have a houseful of things to keep me happy and occupied as well as other friends work that I see and help with
today is grey and damp, drizzling rain and not very inspiring, but out in the garden all the greens look fabulous and my favourite euphorbias are just all developing their new flowering heads and I popped out to take these photos ... love the gentle raindrops
Love these lime greens against their leafy fronds
the green in the different succulents is also beautiful
still needing to prune back some of the hydrangeas but I look out at this view from my kitchen window at the moment now that the crepe myrtle has lost all its leaves and that also needs cutting right back, will need to get boys into do that
back inside now I have been sewing and making up lots of new pattern packs
this is my Flower Bed Pattern above, like being in the garden indoors ! And these two quite simple but very effective embroidery patterns
and some new quilt patterns from one of my stitching friends Christine of Yarra Design, she has been very productive during these times with some lovely new patterns
this one above is called Melange and is just a wonderful scrappy quilt made up from just that, scraps that none of us like to throw out
This Way and That and Plaids and Prints are also new patterns and all these are available for you to see and buy if you want in my Etsy shop
another couple of patterns new to my shop are from Gina Meredith Gregory, cushion patterns pictured below, they are a good small project to maybe learn to piece and appliqué
some of my sewing friends have been busy also making and finishing things off
this is Carolyn’s quilt and is such lovely colours, I helped her put the next border on so that she can get to the next bit, it’s so pretty, it’s her version of Marg’s ‘Not the Levanshall’, lots a great sewing in this quilt, I’ve made one, but would like to make another version. It’s funny how some patterns just make you feel like that, you want to return and do it again ..........
Anna has made a second Dot a Day quilt using more of her fabrics bought in Japan last year, such a great use of them and so effective
and below is another version of Mirabella that Anna has also stitched
I had my #3inchhexagonproject table cloth below on my big table for a couple of weeks while I had a break from using and working on the table, but it’s off again and back to work for me, more basting to be done and cutting out etc
And my long term new project is Marguerite from Margaret Sampson George and I’m loving it, but there is a lot of stitching involved, makes you think, that’s good, lots of fabric choices to be considered, I’m choosing a soft palette, some of my start is pictured below
I hope that everyone is safe and happy and coping with these strange times we are living in, I am not complaining at all, everyone is doing their best in these extraordinary times that the world finds itself in, 2020 and beyond is so different and our lives will be changed forever in so many ways I think
Lots of changes to programs and workshops, classes and meeting up in groups of friends, but we have to do what we have to do
take care and look after yourselves and family and friends ❤️